7 Reasons We Switched to “My Father’s World” Curriculum

Early last semester, I realized that our current homeschool curriculum wasn’t going to work for us long term.

After months of reading and researching, I settled on My Father’s Word curriculum; here are seven reasons why.

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#1 My Father’s World is a Scripture-centered curriculum.

Children learn character virtues, memorize God’s Word, and develop a Biblical world view right along with learning phonics, math, and history.

This is one of the key dimensions I look for in a curriculum.

Academics are important, but I want to raise believers in Jesus Christ, not just smart kids.

#2 My Father’s World Supports World Missions and Bible Translation

I love the fact that the dollars I spend purchasing curriculum from My Father’s Word helps support Bible translators throughout the world.

#3 My Father’s World Provides Age-Integrated Learning

As the mother of five children (three school age kids, one preschooler, and a baby), I searched high and low for a curriculum that was both thorough and user-friendly.

I love how My Father’s World study units are age-integrated without compromising each child’s need for academic challenge.

#4 My Father’s World Applies the Charlotte Mason Methods of Education

I began researching Charlotte Mason homeschooling methods last year; the more I read, the more convinced I became that I had found a suitable style of learning and teaching for our family.

When I discovered My Father’s World was built around the Charlotte Mason Methods, I was sold!

#5 My Father’s World Offers an Eclectic Teaching Experience

My kitchen is eclectic.

My approach to holistic medicine is eclectic.

My lifestyle blog is eclectic.

Why shouldn’t my homeschooling style be eclectic, too?

My Father’s World selects a variety of Charlotte-Mason-Style resources, books, and manipulatives, and creates an unbeatable foundation for learning.

ALSO READ:  3 Things I Want to Tell New Homeschooling Moms

#6 My Father’s World Takes a Hands-On Approach to Learning

The curriculum packs are loaded with helpful and engaging manipulatives for exploring everything from science and phonics, to hand-eye-coordination and shape sorting (for the little ones).

Even my younger children can get on board during school time and enjoy learning at their own pace and level.

I love learning manipulatives!

#7 My Father’s World Provides Curriculum for Preschool Through High School

The primary reason I began searching for a new curriculum was the fact that Christ Centered Curriculum (which we have used the past two years) only extends through second grade.

Once our oldest daughter was ready for third grade, I found myself starting from scratch in the curriculum search.

My Father’s World begins with an excellent learning unit for toddlers and preschoolers, which both our little boys have been using since the beginning of this year.

The curriculum advances through kindergarten, first grade, elementary through middlers, and finishes in high school.

Our family is experimenting with year-round homeschooling, which means our school year will officially begin the first week in June.

My kids are literally begging to dive into the curriculum waiting in our homeschool closet!

I’ve never been so excited about a school year and anticipate learning along with my kids as we explore My Father’s World together.

Are you a homeschooling mom? Or are you curious about home education?

I’d love for you to check out my ebook, Homeschooling Day by Day!

Get it for your Kindle on Amazon and let me know what you think!

Here’s to living well-



P.S. Thanks a million for sharing this post!

Looking for more review of My Father’s World Curriculum? Check out these posts:

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  1. I am looking into MFW for my 4 year old! It sounds like a very fun curriculum. I’ve read a lot of good things about Horizons as well. Do you know any pros and cons of both? I’m having such a hard time deciding!

    1. Hi Yeva! I haven’t personally used Horizons with my kids, but my siblings and I used it some as students when we were homeschooled. I think the main difference between MFW and Horizons is that MFW is more of a unit-style, literature-based curriculum, and Horizons is comprised of workbooks (if I remember correctly). I honestly don’t know of any “cons” of either, especially at the preschool/early kindergarten level. It really just depends on which you think would be a great fit for your little one. It is so hard to decide sometimes!

  2. Soooo… how is MFW going? I am contemplating making the switch mid year – ahhhh! I did MFWK a couple years ago, but the manual drove me nuts. Of course they have since revamped it, not to mention my youngest was born with some surprise health issues with had us totally abandoning it mid year anyway. I did HOD the next year and liked the layout, but by the end of the year I had started doing my own thing for most of it… not to mention the thought of eventually running 4 guides was a bit scary! This year I decided to piece it together using Simply Charlotte Mason as my main guide. I was really excited, though it would go well, but it’s been a rocky start to say the least. 3 months in and we have yet to find our groove and my oldest is starting to dread school.

  3. Hi, I know this is an older post but I’m really hoping you could offer some advice! I’m a mother of 4 (ages 4,3,2 and 7 mths). My 4 year old will be 5 in June and I’d like to start my 2 oldest on a little more formal curriculum. I really desire my children to be able to start reading soon (with my ultimate goal of being able read God’s Word not for smarts) but definitely going at a pace that’s best for each child! So I’ve been really trying to decide between Christ Centered Curriculum and MFW! I have sisters that swear by both! I know being a mother things can get busy but if you could offer any advice and any time you are able I would be so grateful!! Some questions include: I really like the emphasis that CCC places on phonics and reading, how does that relate to the phonics/reading in MFW? And another big thing is that CCC offers is little to no prep work, is MFW similar? Lastly, MFW kinder. curriculum is much cheaper and seems to include science and others as well.. Just some thoughts but and advice would be a tremendous help!!

    Thank you!
    All for the Glory of Christ,
    Jamika 🙂

    1. Hello Jamika!

      I’ll be glad to answer your questions. 🙂

      I loved both CCC and MFW. My primary reason for switching from CCC and not using it with my younger children is that the curriculum only goes through 2nd grade; once your child reaches the 3rd grade level you *have* t switch to something else! I wanted something that would carry my children from preschool through twelfth grade so we wouldn’t have to change gears. I tried other curricula for a year and ended up sticking with MFW.

      Both CCC and MFW have a pretty gentle introduction to phonics and reading. CCC has a very Scripture-based phonics program, which I loved.

      There is a little prep work in getting MFW curriculum set up at the beginning of the year, simply because you have to get the binders/notebooks ready for your kids to use. During the school year there is very little (if any) prep work for each school day. I will note, I don’t do all the suggested activities; we stick with the books and lessons to keep it simple. MFW *could* feel complicated if you feel like you have to do it all.

      For the price, I feel like I’m getting a much broader, diverse, and more colorful curriculum with MFW than CCC. However, I’m a very visual and hands-on learner (my children are, as well) so MFW is definitely a great fit for our family.

      Hope this answers your questions, my friend! Blessings on your homeschooling journey!

  4. Hi there!
    We have made the decision to home school our two kids who are 1 and 3. My issue is we live in Canada and most of the Christian all-in-ones that I have seen (like MFW) is based heavily on American history. Any thoughts or helpful insights? It doesn’t look like it would be much of an issue in the earlier years but later on…

    1. We have used MFW with k and the multicycle curriculum. The kindergarten did not mention USA history, neither does the cycle starting with exploring countries and cultures. I think they delve into it in the adventures in us history? , but we skipped and went straight with the multi child cycle. You use the us one in second, or you can multiagency cycle them up. The only group I don’t know yet, but don’t think it will have much us history either is the first. We got that for the present time so we will see. Hope this helps.

  5. I’ve never used MFW — but I’ve heard great things about it! But, I was excited to find someone else who had used the Christ Centered Curriculum! I used that previously for 5 of my children, before switiching to Rod and Staff and then BJU Press. We also used to do year round schoolling and loved it . . . for a season. Once I started having more older kids, some who went to a Christian school for high school and some in college, it seemed it didn’t work to be doing school when older brothers and sisters were on vacation. So now we somewhat loosely follow the traditional school calendar.

  6. Prayerfully considering doing full time homeschooling. We were in a co-op that involved my son going to “school” 3 days a week. Researching Christian Curriculum is daunting…thanks for this great informative post! *So thankful to have found your blog BTW!

  7. I’m excited to find another family using adventures AND starting next week! We used MFW 1s grade last year and very much enjoyed it:)

  8. I could have written the exact same post! My favorite would be the Bible integration. My son is finishing up AHL now and his favorite subject is now Bible – gotta love that!!!! I also love that I can work with my younger 2 together too.

  9. ugh, I’ve been wrestling with whether or not we should switch… this was helpful! thanks for sharing!

  10. We love MFW! I have children from age 13 down to 6 (who has special needs and is doing preschool level work right now.) It works for us even at all these levels! I love that I am learning right along with them too 😉 I didn’t start out with MFW, but switched a couple yrs ago for many of the same reasons including the Biblical/missions focus. You won’t be disappointed.

  11. WE are going into out 4th year of homeschooling and have used My Fathers World from the beginning. I love how it is all laid out for me. With a very active life, I need that structure! I also love that I can pick and choose what I want to do with it. I love the singapore math, but my daughter has struggled with spelling, so we have been able to experiment with other things to see what works best for her.

  12. I have heard a lot about MFW. Did you happen to compare it to Heart of Dakota curriculum? I am excited to hear about your upcoming school year!

      1. Thank you so much!! I will check it out! 🙂

  13. MFW K and ADV were two of my favorites!!! You’re going to have a fantastic school year. 🙂

  14. Next year is our first year homeschooling and we will also be using MFW for my 1st grader! I’ll be using a lot of her stuff for our Kindergartener too, adjusted a little 🙂

    1. Tracee, I am doing the same with my 4th grade daughter: adjusting the Adventures unit to suite her skill level, that way both my girls can start out together on the same unit. I love the flexibility of homeschooling and you will too!

  15. We are switching to MFW except for Math and Language Arts this year. I agree with all your reasons! I’m looking forward to the new experience.

    1. Jennifer, what curriculum are you using for Math and Language Arts? We went ahead and went with the recommended books (Singapore Math & Primary Language Lessons), but I truly love the option of hand picking what best suites your children’s academic needs.

      1. We have used exclusively Bob Jones since my oldest (going into 6th grade) started kindergarten. I didn’t want to change those two subjects since they seem to be going well and wouldn’t adapt to the multi-level anyway.

      2. We didn’t care for PLL but love Singapore Math! It teaches children to think and to come up with a way to find the answer. There is more than one way to “skin a cat”, you know.. 🙂 And different children will find different ways more suited to their way of thinking. It’s great! That’s how we actually function in real life as adults.

      3. I am looking forward to Singapore Math! It looks very similar to The Critical Thinking Company math, which works well for us.

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