Advent Week One

My family celebrated Advent Week One this evening. It was as simple as lighting candles, eating (store-bought) cinnamon rolls, reading a short devotion, & a heart-felt discussion around the dining room table.

But the sacredness of this tradition will never be lost on me–& I prayerfully trust, my children either.

Advent Week One: Hope

As you know, the word “advent” means the arrival of someone or something. So in simplest terms, the season of Advent, as we know it in the Christian world, is an observance of waiting for the (second) arrival of Christ–& remembering His first arrival as a baby in Bethlehem.

Throughout history, followers of God have always experienced seasons of waiting. Trusting, looking, longing & watching for His promises to come to pass.

As modern Christians, we have thousands of years of fulfilled promises to fall back on. And, in a more personal & micro sense, probably dozens (if not more) answered prayers in our own lives.

But that doesn’t mean we aren’t still waiting.

Advent Week One reading & Scripture, Simply Kristy Lynn blog
The Hope candle lit.

Waiting for salvation or healing or peace or provision, or a hundred other things.

We Don’t Wait Without Hope

Historically, God’s people never waited in a vacuum, but in relationship with God, others, & service.

Noah built a massive (never-heard-of-before) Ark while he waited.

The Israelites danced, & feasted, & traveled while they waited. (And griped & disobeyed, but that’s another story.)

David wrote songs & worshiped & fought battles while he waited.

Mary visited her relative, Elisabeth, & pondered many things during her waiting time.

If you are in a season of waiting, dear friend, do not:

  • Isolate yourself
  • Give up
  • Lose hope
  • Stop worshiping
  • Allow distractions to creep in

Those things are precisely what the enemy wants you to do, so don’t.

Surround yourself with believers who will encourage your faith & who are willing to wait with you.

Because Advent.

The arrival of the promise…

THE promise, & innumerable promises, will come to pass at the appointed time.

  “May the God of hope fill you with all joy & peace as you trust him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13

I’m waiting with you.

xo, Kristy

P.S. My review of Glad & Golden Hours was featured, along with several other reviews, over at Kindred Grace today. Check it out here for a quick, inspiring Advent week one read.

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