Is an INTJ Blog Too Insanely Unique?

This post: Why it’s an INTJ blog after all.

I started a blog back in 2007.

I’m an INTJ female, so when I pumped out my first posts on that humble little Blogger platform, I was, indeed, launching an INTJ blog. I just didn’t know it at the time.

Heck, I didn’t even know my MBTI personality type, or that I had a type. But one look at the list of blog posts I wrote that first year is all you need:

  • Lists
  • Tutorials & DIYS
  • Opinion pieces (cringe)
  • Book reviews
  • Every kind of review
  • Advice (cringe again)
  • Political ramblings (I digress)

Yep, the exact things that INTJs write about, as they seek to observe & understand the world, & then help others (who may or may not be as savvy as they) understand it, too.

Only for years, this was a “natural living blog.” And then it was for pastors’ wives… kind of.

And then I wasn’t a pastor’s wife any more (same husband, keep your shirt on), & I honestly didn’t know what I was supposed to write about… or be about.

Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

So why, after nearly 20 years of blogging, am I hanging out the INTJ Blog shingle?

I guess a better question is, Why not?

Or more pointedly, Why not sooner?

As a blogger, I’m a tad obsessed with learning about marketing. And everything I’ve learned from gurus recommends niching down… but not too far down.

Definitely not into the less-than-one-percentile of the world.

Except, you probably won’t “find” her, unless you’re a super sleuth (& like to talk personality types).

The very scarcity of the INTJ woman (& her propensity to browse websites rather than show up at luncheons) is why I’m ignoring stats & going with my gut. (A very INTJ thing to do, in my experience anyway.)

Will the readership for this INTJ blog for women be small? Possibly.

But it’s also possible (hopeful) that every INTJ woman who finds this lifestyle blog will feel understood. And a little less alone.

Because let’s be honest. As much as we INTJs value our solitude, we also long to fit in somewhere.

“I am a 25 year old African American INTJ female who is also a Type 5 on the Enneagram. I wanted to thank you for writing this article; I often feel misunderstood among my peers but you put things in a clearer perspective”. – Ashleigh Balser 

“I have laughed out loud when reading your lists/articles – I never realized I was like anyone else – I’ve always been on the ‘outer’ – and now I know how to deal with that. Keep up the great work – I’m hooked now.” – Chris B from Australia 

“Another Christian, INTJ, SAHM that homeschools her five children, married happily to my ISTJ hubby who takes care of a lot of my practical needs. I feel like I could have written this. Thank you for helping me feel seen and understood.” – Meaghan 

“I never met another INTJ female in my life so it is great to find out that there are other women out there who can relate. Sometimes you just need some kind of connection.”
– Jacqueline from Germany

 “So grateful for your blog post and I DEFINITELY can relate! Personally, I’m hoping to connect with other female INTJ’s and connecting with female Christian INTJ’s would be a bonus for me.” – Kenda 

So that’s what this lifestyle blog for INTJ women is about…

Making sure you feel seen.

This is the space where the INTJ lifestyle is talked about, analyzed, improved, & yes, celebrated. (Because even an INTJ can learn a thing or two.)

Whether you’re an INTJ or not, I’m really glad you’re here. If you are a fellow INTJ female or introvert, I especially hope you’ll stick around.

I still write lists, tutorials, opinions, reviews, & all the things… sans the political rants (I only do that at home).

Content around here is neatly organized (is there any other way?) into topics like:

I’ve also got a Freebie Library just for introverts (all things introspective), & a weekly newsletter, “Weekend Reads,” that goes out Friday mornings.

All things that will feed the intellect & soul of my INTJ sisters.

Because these days, what keeps me typing 70-wpm at my laptop is the goal of “helping feminine introverts & creatives confidently build lives aligned with their faith & personality.”

Thanks for reading…. there’s more to come.


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