On Enjoying People

This week, I got what might very well be the BEST compliment ever.

During lunch break, a mama joined me in the outdoor eating area where I like to hang out if I’m not in the classroom. I teach three of her kids, and I asked how the school year was going for everyone; we chatted a bit, and then she looked at me and simply said,

“Thank you for enjoying my children.”


Not, “Thank you for teaching my children,” or “Thank you for being a great teacher.”

“Thank you for enjoying . . . “

Because there’s a difference between doing something well, enjoying what you do, & enjoying the people you do it for.

I’ve been letting those words simmer in my brain all week, & I just can’t get away from how important this is: in teaching, yes, but also parenting, homeschooling, serving, & even working.

Do I ENJOY the people in front of me? Do I value their personalities, differences, & quirks? Do I give them space to be seen & heard? Am I in tune in with their goals, dreams, & fears?

Because here are the facts:

I REALLY love English language arts. Teaching it feels rewarding for me, & you might say I’m pretty good at it.

On Enjoying People | Simply Kristy Lynn
Do I ENJOY the people in front of me?

But a mama coming up to me & saying, “Thank you for enjoying my kids” reminded me of why I’m actually doing any of this:

  • raising kids
  • homeschooling kids
  • teaching other people’s kids
  • writing & mentoring online

And despite all the things I feel like I’m not doing especially well right now, that simple “thank you” nudged my focus to keep moving toward HEARTS.

Because – almost miraculously – when we get that part right, everything else seems to come out just fine in the end. Academics, relationships, money, you name it.

ALSO READ:  Precious Firsts & Lasts

So here’s my question for you:

Do you ENJOY the people in front of you?

Or do they annoy you? Scare you? Intimidate you? Interrupt you?

Hard fact: humans are going to do ALL OF THE ABOVE at some point. And you’re NOT going to enjoy everyone, or at every moment.

But if people aren’t at the heart of whatever you’re doing, what needs to change for that to happen?

On Enjoying People | Simply Kristy Lynn
Being emotionally present helps me ENJOY more.

Maybe you need a break, or some rest.

Maybe your perspective needs to shift.

And maybe you need someone in your life who LOVES you big, so you can experience what it feels like to be enjoyed. (That’s been my story.)

Whatever it is, do what it takes to ENJOY whoever you love & serve. Don’t just enjoy WHAT you do (although that’s important) . . . but WHO you do it for.

Because chances are, they know the difference.

xo, Kristy

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