Seasons & Firsts
This morning, Jeremy reminded me that today is the first of many things: a new week, new month, & (almost) a new season.
That last part is especially true. Over the last year-and-a-half, our family has lived out many “firsts,” on repeat:
- First Sunday we ever showed up for church as church-goers, instead of the pastor’s family.
- Jeremy’s first day of work as a hospice chaplain.
- Our first holiday season without our oldest daughter being home.
- My first day teaching/working outside the home.
- One son’s first day of high school . . . & a daughter’s last first day of high school.
Honestly, I’m not one who enjoys “firsts” or new things all that much. I prefer the familiar, & things that make me feel comfortable.
So all these new firsts have made me tired – & even a bit insecure at times.
Maybe that’s why I find myself circling back to familiar grounds this fine, late-summer afternoon. Back to where I began nearly 20 years ago: sitting down at my crumb-sprinkled dining room table to write a simple blog post.
This isn’t an article, & there’s no SEO or keyword phrase. No affiliate links, headers, or tags. Nada.
I’m just writing, which is really what I do & love best.
Today I’m living out another “first” in an ever-changing circle of seasons called Life. I’ve had to make peace & come to terms with a lot of parts of this season that I didn’t ask for. And a lot of firsts that I prayed for, but didn’t really know how to live out once they came.
Maybe I’m getting used to firsts. And maybe not. Maybe I just need a nap, or a hot cup of tea, or a blanket & Netflix.
And maybe I need to give myself permission to lean into the firsts, honor the lasts, & embrace every new season as it comes.
Because they do come. Like spring breezes, hazy afternoons, crisp leaves, & snow days – they come. Around & around. Firsts & lasts.
I can’t say that I’ll celebrate every one, or even try to. But I can say that from time to time, I’ll pull up a chair at my dining room table & start typing away at the old blog post . . . definitely not for the first (or last) time.
xo, Kristy