Week Two of Advent

This post: (Week two of Advent) Thoughts on the practice of peace, motherhood, & Christmastime.

Last night, my family lit the second purple candle in our Advent wreath, along with the Hope candle from last week. The second Advent candle is the Bethlehem or Peace candle.

Honestly, this week of Advent is the most difficult for me.


Because my desire for peace often collides with my natural inclination toward anxiety… & control.

Advent wreath here

A simple definition of the word peace states, “freedom from disturbance, tranquility.”

I can tell you this–as a mother, I’ve experienced very few days (or even minutes) of that kind of peace.

For me, peace looks more like trust than tranquility.

Acknowledging that even in the middle of endless

  • Unknowns
  • Unfinished tasks
  • Decisions
  • Messes
  • Needs
  • Shifting seasons & roles

I don’t have to grasp for control.

I can rest.

Peace is worship.

The last few years have been really challenging for my family, & for me personally. Countless things have triggered my anxiety in deeply traumatic ways.

In this season of life, peace has become a practice, not just an idealistic virtue.

The practice of peace–before messes are sorted out & boxes are ticked.

The practice of peace– with teen drivers & a daughter serving overseas in the Army.

The practice of peace–in the middle of a mid-life vocational change.

The practice of peace–in the face of misunderstandings & disappointments.

The practice of peace is nothing short of worship.

More than ever, I’m recognizing that living with a quieted heart is one of the most meaningful ways I can observe this Advent season.

Much like Mary’s uncomfortable journey into Bethlehem, & the less than ideal circumstances of her Son’s birth, peace is anything but “freedom from disturbances” or “tranquility.”

ALSO READ:  Gentle Reads on an Unhurried Life (at the Holidays)

At Advent (& always), for mothers, peace looks very much like

  • Letting go of expectations
  • Leaning into ever-changing seasons
  • Embracing the unknown with confidence & faith
  • Cultivating beauty (even in the middle of the messes)
  • Loving our people right where they are
  • Self-care, & creating space for the difficult emotions

Here’s a gentle reminder for you today, my Friend:

Peace is worship.

And if that feels hard for you too this year, may I encourage you to practice peace?

One day, one moment at a time.

xo, Kristy

More Advent Reading:

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  1. Kristy, this is so beautiful! I love how you wrote that the practice of peace is nothing short of worship. I also love this —> “I’m recognizing that living with a quieted heart is one of the most meaningful ways I can observe this Advent season.” Beautiful my friend. I will be practicing a quieted heart during Advent Season as well. Much love, sweet sister …

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